
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Is Joe Flacco Ready for Sunday?

Recently, there has been a lot of controversy due to teammate safety Ed Reed's comment about Joe Flacco's performance last Sunday against the Houston Texans.

Reed said on national radio this week that his quarterback, Joe Flacco, "looked rattled" during their victory over the Houston Texans and that it "just didn't look like he a hold of the offense." Those comments were addressed to ESPN on Thursday.

"My teammates, I think and know they understand me as a player and as a teammate." Reed said. "I don't think they would take anything out of context what I said. If they do, it's got to be motivation to prove me wrong."

Flacco has a great opportunity to prove Reed wrong by stepping up against the Patriot's defense this Sunday—mainly their secondary because this seems to be the most vulnerable point of that defense. Flacco and the Ravens play at New England this Sunday and hope to stop Brady and their hot playoff run.

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