
Wednesday, January 4, 2012

NBA Starts Voting for All-Star Game

Just 11 days into the season, voting has begun for the NBA All-Star game.

The ballot was announced Wednesday in Orlando, Fla., which is where the All-Star will be played this season on Feb. 26. Because the NBA season started late due to the 5 month lockout, voting has begun only 5 games into the season.

Fans can now begin voting up to 10 players per day through or by texting the player's last name to 6-9-6-2-2. The All-Star results will be announced Feb. 2 on TNT prior to a doubleheader. Although voting for the All-Star Game is inevitable during the new season, it still seems too early to decide who are the best players in the NBA in 2012.

The 2012 votes for the NBA All-Star Game will result in being more of a popularity contest, than which player truly deserves it because of their talent and devotion to the team. What are your thoughts?

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